Endorsements, Testimonials Fence and Deck Stain Reviews and Success Stories!
-Texas Forest Service
I am pleased to report that all the finishes are providing excellent color maintenance and mildew protection. The coatings are on both smooth and rough cedar siding as well as redwood, where applicable. The wood finishes appear unchanged and free of discoloration, flaking, peeling or dirt accumulation. Results from both accelerated weathering and 24 month field exposure would indicate these formulas will provide a minimum of 4-5 years protection to wood siding and fences where applied properly. We are now in a position to recommend these formulas when consulting with homeowners and commercial applicators. The Gray Away Wood Sealer is superior to the more heavily advertised natural finishes for wood which have been on exposure for the same period of time.
It is most unfortunate the manufacturers of some natural wood finishes choose to spend their time and money in advertising and promotion rather than product development. The uninformed consumer is, and always will be an easy target. We at the Texas forest Service hope that in some small way, we can better educate the public when it comes to buying and using quality coatings and finishes for wood. We will continue this service as long as there’s a need and a state budget to support it. I hope this updated 24 month report is helpful to you. I am quite pleased with the results. If I can be of further service, please let me know.
-Sincerely, Brian Wood Technologist

Read The Actual Letter!
-Southern Stain and Seal - Murfreesboro, TN
When we first began our service company, we talked to all the manufacturers and decided to go with xxxxxxx xxxxxxx based on price and availability. It didn't take long to discover that there had to be a better way! After a full year of fighting drips, runs, over-spray disasters and little did we know at the time; future failures and maintenance nightmares, we again started searching for the "perfect stain". Our search led us to Tom, Mariella and the Baker's Gray Away product. Since that day, we have put Baker's head to head with all the top stains, only to be disappointed again and again with their competition. Later when we opened our store, there was no question who our wood stain supplier would be.
This stuff rocks!
- David Phillips -
Veteran Power Wash - Louisville, KY
As a professional wood restoration company, my customers look to me for the best products available. I have found that Baker's Gray Away penetrating sealer provides superior protection, enhanced beauty, and longevity that is unmatched. The ease of application has increased my company's overall productivity. I have found this product not only superior, but is cost comparable to popular stains of lesser value found at professional paint stores.
Mike O'Connell
Xtreme Maintenance - Helena, MT
When we first got into the wood restoration business I was looking for a great stain to uphold the reputation of my business. None of the stains that were available locally performed up to our standards. We were looking for 1. longevity 2. Ease of Application 3. Ease of Maintenance Coating and lastly 4. Product Support. After months of searching, we came across Baker's Gray-Away. It was almost too good to be true, Baker's seemed to fit our needs to a tee. After more research and some testing of our own,
Baker's Gray Away Stain became our deck stain of choice. We highly recommend this product to the beginner or the experienced applicator or homeowner. You will not be disappointed.
Pat Motz - XtremeMaintenance.com
ALG Contracting - Bowling Green, KY
I own and exterior cleaning and restoration company in Bowling Green Kentucky. I was sold hook line and sinker on the Baker's Gray Away product the very first time I used it. I was restoring a 600 sq ft deck for a loyal customer and it was in pretty bad shape. After applying the finish coat on the deck a severe thunderstorm rolled up fast and poured down on all my hard work. I was sick. I pulled up a chair with the homeowner and to our amazement the water just rolled off the deck and after it stopped all the stain was still there without any water spots or anything. The Homeowner and I looked at each other and said the same thing simultaneously,WOW. That was six months ago and the deck still looks like I left it yesterday. Thanks Baker's.
- Chuck